Old School
Classic Q BrothersHip Hop Theater Adaptations
From Shakespeare To Dickens And Beyond, Over 2 Decades Of "Add-Rap-Tations"
New School
Q Brothers Education And Workshops
Enlightening Humans Of All Ages And Backgrounds Through The Theatrical Form We Pioneered
No School
Q Brothers Corporate
Branding, Messaging, And Storytelling Through Custom Song And Musical Performance
The Q Brothers Collective
Award-winning and internationally acclaimed theater artists, the Q Brothers generate original work fusing hip hop and theater, adapting classic stories to a wholly original, entertaining and fast-paced style of comedic performance that has been energizing audiences for over two decades. The Q Brothers conceived the term Add-Rap-Tation in 1998 with their Off-Broadway hit “The Bomb-itty of Errors.” MTV has called the Q Brother’s “Nothing short of brilliant” and Time Out London says “The rhymes—and the energy— just don’t stop…”
Q Brothers Collective & Chicago Children's Choir
Stream Long Way Home today!

Othello: The Remix soundtrack is finally here!
Get it today!

Dress the Part
Jan 29 - Feb 15

We Buggin!!!
Buggin is the Q Brothers’ debut album for kids!

RECENTLY: ms. estrada
ms. estrada Premieres at The Flea Theatre

WATCH: Othello: The Remix at Cook County Jail
Watch the video about our performance inside Cook County Jail

Chillin' with the Queen
Queen Latifah says: You better check out the Q Brothers

Señor Leguizamo!
Señor Leguizamo! from CHI to NY we stayin dry!